Access Management
Skip Authorization

Skip Authorization

During local development, if you need to ignore user permissions or access management rules, configure the SKIP_AUTHORIZATION environment variable to true. Add this environment variable to your .env file:

Add this environment variable to the .env file:


To illustrate the effects of modifying this environment variable, let's use the example of an organization named Videoz.

Videoz is a B2B video-sharing platform that comprises two main roles: Channel Owner and Content Creator. At present, we have two users, each assigned a different role:

  • One user is the Channel Owner.
  • One user is the Content Creator.

channel owner & content creator roles

TThe Channel Owner can view all videos, create new ones, delete any videos, and update only their videos. The access level and permissions for the Channel Owner are depicted below:

channel owner permissions setup

The Content Creator, on the other hand, can only view their videos, create a new video, delete their video, and update their video. The access level and permissions for the Content Creator are as follows:

Content creator permissions

When the environment variable SKIP_AUTHORIZATION is set to false, the video list varies according to the roles:

Content Creator Video List

The Content Creator can only see their videos, as the permissions for videos have been set to Own.`

content creator video list

Channel Owner Video List

Users assigned the Channel Owner role have access to all videos.

channel owner video list

If we adjust the SKIP_AUTHORIZATION environment variable to true, all permissions settings will be ignored.

If you encounter difficulties observing the changes after altering permissions, consider halting the local development and then restarting it.

With this modification, the Content Creator's video list will display all videos, regardless of whether the permissions are set to Own.

skip auth