Chat System

Chat system


ROQ’s chat system is a fully-fledged messaging interface that enables your app’s users to chat in realtime.

The chat system uses a secure websocket socket connection to send and receive realtime messages. It can be integrated into your application within a few minutes and customized to your requirements. It is highly flexible, and using a combination of the customizable UI widgets for chat and the API; you could achieve a wide range of flexibility - from a private messenger-like experience to even a slack-like experience.


  • One-to-one chats
  • Conversations among multiple users
  • Rich-text editor for messages
  • File-uploads

UI Components

ROQ’s chat system is rendered by these UI components:

  1. The <Chat/> UI component represents the chat message center with sidebar and the chat window.
  2. The <MessageBell/> component renders an icon symbol which informs the user about incoming message.