User Invites
Using User Invite with Mails API

How to use User Invites with Mails API

You can utilize the User Invites API in conjunction with the sendMail() function from the Mails API. There are numerous scenarios where it is advantageous to use the Mails API along with User Invites. For instance, if you wish to send supplementary details via email subsequent to the invitee's acceptance, or if you need to forward information about the invitation to a different user's email address.

As an illustration, we aim to provide instructions on how to begin using our application once invitations are accepted. To send an email, we will utilize a code similar to this:

const sendMailStatus = await roqClient.asSuperAdmin().sendMail({
	mail: {
		key: 'onboarding-getstarted',
		locale: 'en-US',
		emails: [''],
		data: [
			{ key: 'recipients_name', value: 'any_name' },
			{ key: "getting_started_url", value: "" },
			{ key: "your_name", value: "user_invitee_name" }]

Make sure to check if you have an email template with the key onboarding-getstarted on the ROQ Console before sending any emails.

To create an email template on the ROQ Console. Please look into this tutorial.

To provide support for emails sent to numerous invitees, we can retrieve the list of invitees and then sort it according to their status property. Emails will be sent only to those with an accepted status value.

import 'dotenv/config';
import { Platform } from '@roq/nodejs';
 * Connect to the ROQ Platform
 * Credentials in .env file
const roqClient = new Platform({
	apiKey: process.env.ROQ_API_KEY,
	environmentId: process.env.ROQ_ENVIRONMENT_ID,
	host: process.env.ROQ_PLATFORM_URL
async function sendMailToAcceptedInvites(emailAddress) {
    const search = await roqClient.asSuperAdmin().userInvites({
        filter: {
            email: {
                equalTo: emailAddress
    // Iterate over all the invites
    for (let invite of {
        if (invite.status === 'accepted') {
            const email =;
            const name = invite.firstName + ' ' + invite.lastName;
            // Send the mail
            const sendMailStatus = await roqClient.asSuperAdmin().sendMail({
                mail: {
                    key: 'onboarding-getstarted',
                    locale: 'en-US',
                    emails: [email],
                    data: [
                          key: 'recipients_name', 
                          value: name
                        { key: "getting_started_url",
                          value: ""
                        { key: "your_name", 
                          value: name 
            console.log(`Mail sent for accepted invite: ${}`);

To search for an invitee with the email address and send them an onboarding get started email if they accept the invitation:

await sendMailToAcceptedInvites("").catch(console.error);